Swansea Railway Modellers Group

The largest and most successfully club in Wales, Swansea Railway Modellers Group has been active in Swansea for more than 15 years as a result of the merger of two other modelling groups.

The Club is fortunate in being able to use its premises seven days per week.

The Club has many layouts; St David’s Wells is the oldest – a 4mm inverted figure of 8 finished to a high standard. Elsbridge, another 4mm project, features the Thomas the Tank Engine Series and is a favourite with very young visitors.

A new 4mm layout will begin soon. Cwmfelin Parkway is an N Gauge project being rebuilt form an earlier uncompleted layout whilst Box Station is a more ambitious attempt, again in N Gauge, to model the area between Chippenham and Bath.

Dusty Roads is a small G-scale layout enabling trains to be run on 3 circuits.

A long-term project is to build South Dock in 7mm to model this area of Swansea over several time periods. The most popular running area is a series of test tracks – 3 in N Gauge, 6 in 00 Gauge and 2 in 0 Gauge. This area allows members to run long trains – beyond the traditional scope of most members’ home premises. There are also members with interests in P4, T and Z Gauge so the Club can cater for most railway modellers’ interests.

We take a pro-active stance to railway modelling; it holds regular lectures, stock sales, Open Evenings and has organised several excursions during the last couple of years.

SRMG is a friendly Club with members of all ages, coming from all walks of life, and living in and around Swansea, Gower, Llanelli, Neath and Port Talbot. The Club remains supportive of local charity, Friends of The Young Disabled.

Track Gauges

Members use the following gauge tracks:

  • UK 00
  • UK N
  • Z Gauge
  • G Scale
  • HO
  • O Gauge
  • O-16.5
  • On30
  • OO9
  • SM-32

Contact Details

Contact: Gwion Rhys Davies (SRMG Webmaster)

Website: www.srmg.org.uk

Email Address: View Email Address

Meeting Dates

Meeting Dates: Wednesday and Thursday

Meeting Times: Wednesday 2:00pm - 5:00pm and Thursday 6:30pm - 9:30pm

300 Carmarthen Road

Social Media Sites

Swansea Railway Modellers Group has the following social media sites:

Model Railway MerchandiseSteam Railway Magazine

All of the information available on the www.ModelRailwayClubs.co.uk website is available freely online or provided directly by the clubs. Whilst we make every effort to ensure the information is accurate and up to date, www.ModelRailwayClubs.co.uk makes no guarantee about the validity of the information provided. You should always contact a club before attempting to visit to avoid disappointment. Club members can provide updated information here.